Monday, November 18, 2019

How Critical is Planning and Modelling in Delivering a Potentially Essay

How Critical is Planning and Modelling in Delivering a Potentially Successful E-Business - Essay Example As the paper discusses in the 21st century, times have changed; now, even young people are getting in to businesses, and all is from the comfort of one’s home or office. Now, people dress up casually; gone are the days of shiny shoes and ties. Today, even dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, one can run a successful business online, and a 24-year-old today can very well be a chairman of their own company.THis essay stresses that one may ask how it is possible to explain this phenomenon.  Ã‚   It’s called e-business.   The letter â€Å"e† in the word stands for electronic, and it’s a business run on computers through the internet and has web pages attached to it. This phrase can be described as the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT).   This is like a support holder for all the activities which are related to the businesses.   The most important activity or a supporter of any business is purely dependent upon commerce, which is the taking and giving of any services or products which happen to lie between groups or individuals or, in our case, businesses.   Now, the function of the e-commerce is to use the ICT to allow the relationships of the businesses with groups or with other businesses to grow.  The process which is involved in e-business is comprised of the value chain, buying of electronics, and managing the supply chain.   The orders which get placed should be processed electronically, and customer services should be handled and a very good co-operation should exist between the business partners.   ... The process which is involved in e-business is comprised of the value chain, buying of electronics, and managing the supply chain. The orders which get placed should be processed electronically, and customer services should be handled and a very good co-operation should exist between the business partners. The way that this business is conducted is usually by the internet, web, extranets, intranets or maybe by the combination of both (Biondo Communications, n.d.). But getting to the new forms of e-businesses which are creating havoc in the net industry consists of web 2.0 applications in which one includes RSS , blogging, instant messaging, digital TV, pod casting and mobile marketing; today many new devices have also been introduced to keep up with the e-marketing (Chaffey, 2002). There are also certain terms which are included in using e-business namely (International Economic Development Council, 2009). These entities and terms work in four basic categories: business towards business, business towards consumer, government towards consumer, and government towards business. There are many advantages of opening this kind of business, as well as disadvantages. They allow to have easy communication amongst the buyer and the seller as well as providing the marketing skills to be more polished. But the downside is that it has to be operational 24/7 in order to cater to all, because due to this, more coverage is available on research. And, it also allows the chance to take in new business models. and better the customer support system if needed. Having talked about e-business, it is essential to know how important planning and

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